Category: Casual Dining

60 Seconds. Market Evolution, Supply, supply, supply & Demand…:

Is the market over-supplied or is demand softening? Recent trading updates: Burger, chicken & pizza are amongst the most reliable of casual dining fayre Hence recent troubles at Ed’s Easy Diner, Comptoir Group, Tasty, Richoux & even bar group Revolution, aren’t too much of a surprise But Restaurant Group provides burger, chicken & pizza &…

The Alchemy of Oversupply — Turning A1 into A3

As retail continues to move out of brick & mortar, who is left to fill the void?

60 Seconds. Slack Money, the hunt for yield & over-building:

Interest rates last rose over 10yrs ago (on 5 July 2007). Slack money got us through the worst of the aftermath of the Credit Crunch but where’s the road back?

Bricks & Clicks: A Changing of the Guard?

By Jack Brumby
The latest clothing market figures show High Street clothes retailing is a bloody business. Meanwhile, upstart online retailers go from strength to strength…

Overfocusing on sales growth?

By Jack Brumby
There’s no Holy Grail. Sales & margin need to be considered together. Capex needs to be rationed and, at the end of the day, it’s cash that matters…